
Friday, June 27, 2014

PS: Small note:

Just do me this little favor.
I don't mind you being brutally honest but if you don't or you do like an article I write, write it in the comments section.

You have no idea how happy that'll make me, even if it's weird, even if you think the article sucks, just let me know there. And if there is an article that you really like like, that you think is either well written or share worthy then share it on Facebook.
You don't have to if you don't think it's worth. But if you do, then share it on fb.

Unless ofcourse this blog is repulsive to you :-P

People have been kind enough to read and appreciate but I'd like to see them do that in the comments
1. Because that's the soul purpose of that section
2. I can read and review those at even later in life.

Thanks for reading this stupid note, and putting up with all the stupidity on this blog :-P but hey, crazy is cool :-P


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