
Monday, October 12, 2015

When you prove your education was worthless and you are as illiterate AF!

Ok so I have an exam and I’m already halfway through one more blog post that I was supposed to post a week ago but I haven’t completed. There’s this issue that has happened that is eating my brain cells slowly one at a time so I thought what better way to get it out of the system than to write it down. So here goes something.

There’s this guy in my class and although I see him as a potential good friend because we come from the same undergraduate background and have gone through some crazy shitty subjects and curriculum together and are equally homesick, but there’s something he said that is driving me nuts and I’m going to pour it out.

Background: I’m pursuing higher education/Masters and am terribly homesick to the extent that saying any word and I kid you not, any word, will trigger the subconscious portion of my brain which will with its unique talents and creative imagination abilities link it somehow to my home, to my country and enable me to cry at the drop of a hat!

So this guy and I are having a deep conversation about how we’ve gone from humans to a bag of popcorn that has been kept in the microwave way past the warning time so it can “BURST” anytime and then he says, you can complete your education and head back immediately to which I reply I’ve a loan to pay off. So he says, you can get married and then your husband can take care of the loan. You’re a girl, what tension do you have? It’s not like you’ve to look after your family. And I’m saying this again, I see a potential friend in him but never in my life have I been so enraged by/at someone that the thought of using a pen to slit their throats has appealed to me more than the appeal generated by an Oscar to Leo De Caprio!  So I said, uhm yeah I do! I’m the only child, I do have to pay off the loan and also look after them. To which the sexist F%@#^* replies, your husband will do that. You girls have no tension, get married and cook. Everything is done for you. We earn, we take care of our parents and yours, we take care of you and the kids! I took a minute to calm the part of my mind that has been trained by Game of Thrones and said, do two things ASAP. ONE, BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND TWO, NEVER EVER REPRODUCE!

I’m ashamed that the boy is from my city, a city that’s the most “modern” part of my country. I’m ashamed that he belongs to my generation and that he has the privilege of pursuing masters in the land of freedom, the land where sexism and racism are issues that are taken very seriously, a land where people are broad minded and welcome people who function on similar lines! I mean WTF bro! Seriously!

I’m going to be very harsh and judge your parents for the obvious failure in upbringing! Because what have you done to deserve any sympathy from my side! If our generation has people that think like this, girls we’re doomed! We’re screwed! Say goodbye to the dreams of living in a free country because even if you think…ooh the orthodox Khauuup buddhes are going to die soon so hellloo freedom, then guess what, spoiler alert, there are mini khaupsies in our gen too, which upsets me to no end!

When people do this, discriminate on lines of religion, sex, caste, subcaste or whatever is subordinate to any of these categories….when people in general discriminate and they are those lucky few who’ve had the privilege of being literate/ educated, I lose faith in education! Education fails on you asssholes! You are a disgrace and you’ve failed yourself, your parents, your teachers and your entire generation! I know I’m going to repent saying this, but such people shouldn’t be allowed to procreate. We don’t want prototypes of these in an already screwed up society!
I’m sorry Ma and Pa , I was going to give up and prove these people right! Never now, never again!

I’ll be back with another post which will definitely be a lot lighter on the brain. Sorry but I’m not apologetic about this post!
-Appiqué <3

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