Crazieeee rainfall!
It has been raining continuously for the past 2 days now in
Mumbai. Uttarakhand was hit by another cloud burst today and Mumbai is almost
sort of flooded with the traffic that has come to a standstill and all railway
tracks being replaced by swimming pools, just filled with mucky water instead
of the chlorinated one.
And my college and lectures and test………CANCELLED *happy
dance only for this line*
That is the only non-gloomy point evolving out of this
gloomy situation. Otherwise there is total chaos here. I almost got into a fit
with a few auto rickshaw drivers for not agreeing to go to the station! And
they want a hike….
So I get up to the news of a mass bunk and so had to call up
and get a practical canned. And now as I was sitting nicely, comfortable and
warm in my Easy-chair, I see the news of flood in Mumbai (WATER LOGGING) and
all the news reporters going to these places and shooting stuff, I see people desperately
trying to get into the camera’s angle and into one of the shots :\. Seriously? I
mean, like that’s going to be your shot to fame! “Oh hey look, he’s the man
with the polka dot umbrella who was behind that news reporter informing us
about….uhm what was the news about…Who cares? There goes our celeb”. Is that how you see it in your head? Because everyone
at home would just be like “look at that clown!”
Anyway I’m happy –at least someone’s making use of the
sudden holiday. I think the rest of us are lounging on our
divans/sofas/chairs/tables/beds/floor/mats and complaining about the water
logging problem or the heavy rain or just procrastinating.
I belong to the last category. I’ve to write an experiment
down, study a few things, make an album (photo) but I’m just not doing any of
I’m just not happy with how my blog looks. I loved the
dynamic template but it would load without the background and that looked
really dry. So I had to do away with that.
1 comment:
hahahahahaha! :D
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