
Friday, July 5, 2013

A FRIDAY post!

Anyoung Haseyu!

As I am writing this, I am almost 100% sure that no-one in this whole wide world has stumbled upon my blog and blogger , just to be polite , is generating all these stats saying people from Germany, Italy, etc have read this?
You think I'm kidding?
I wouldn't hesitate posting a screenshot of the stats.

So, what is up? 
As far as I am concerned, I've literally become a lazy lazy person. Waking up and going back to sleep has become my routine. I engaged myself in some gift making sessions for my friends. But it got over so soon that I ended up playing games online or chatting or just staring into space.
This week, I'm looking forward to engaging myself in cooking/baking, some pre-college-opening-flat-50% off- sale- SHOPPING... oh yea, I even cleaned my closet. It had clothes dating back to the 1500 A.D.
Mum told me to get rid of some stuff that I don't wear. With all the stuff I've kept aside, you know I could have a really super hit Garage sale, but unfortunately, garage sales don't work in my country :'(.
That is just sad. Man, we could all just exchange clothes (like Barter system) or do a garage sale and utilize our stuff well. But...

OK.Whatever. :-(

Second topic-GRE.
Has any of you given GRE? Well, if the answer is yes, then please…please help me! I keep googling but due to my laziness and my fear about all those tick mark dependent exams, I keep having doubts and apprehensions. Should I? Shouldn't I?

Thirdly, almost everybody is asking me to get into a relationship ASAP. I mean, what the heck? They say you can only be truly happy if you have a partner. Man, I don’t think that’s true. If you aren't happy alone, you definitely won’t be having a blast when you’re in a relationship. Don’t blame your shortcomings on the fact that you are single. That is like self pity- Feeling miserable because you are single and alone. And self pity sucks (sorry for the profanity).
If you've a different view, let me know. I might want to argue, but I definitely would respect you for at least having an opinion.
Thanks for reading.
Annyoung hee kye seyo.

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