
Friday, March 28, 2014

Random boredom updates

So what do you call a person who walks into a lit room, switches off the light and stands in complete darkness trying to recollect why the hell he walked into that room in the first place? Stupid. NO… call the person- me! :\

Hello , hie! 
Of recent I’ve been soooo lost and clueless. I walk into closed doors, bed edges, chairs, people and my recent achievement –dogs!!! I was so engrossed as I walked out of the station that I failed to notice a dog and I tripped over it. You could say it was more of an obstacle race because I jumped over it and then stood there trying to let it sink in, the moment that had just passed and how petrified I was. I literally paused for a good 2 mins, hand clasped over my mouth and all the people passing by looked at me like they expected me to break into a solo gig over there …you know like some entertainer, because the catch was that I was wearing my street play t-shirt.
Today I was trying to lift my bag and picture me trying to do that sitting on a chair. And the chair did a back flip. :/
I mean seriously? What is wrong with me or the objects around me…
What if the objects have signed a pact to make me fall or trip on them because I (unknowingly) hurt a member of their clan?

I also absolutely love the people who are sooo spontaneous at times. I’ve a friend who was so bored that she agreed to jump into the next rickshaw and come to my place! Looove her for that. Things like these are getting me through these retarded days of mine where my furniture is trying to sabotage my day with all the nasty lil’ things like coming in my way, growing a little taller…I don’t know. There is another possibility that I may be as clumsy as shit but let’s stick to the furniture theory as it sounds better.
The funny part (disclaimer: only I may find it funny) is that my mum went to this astrologist when I was 14 and he tried predicting about me; so he said your daughter is really clumsy and keeps injuring herself and as she narrated this to me , I tripped over a pencil like object. And I continue to do so even today. Pretty consistent, eh?

 From the above post, you might have realized I am completely out of topics and also brain cells. But I want to write. Why? Because I love to.

I have also come to the conclusion that you may inspire people and be super nice to them but some people lack decency and courtesy. I used to, am and always will continue to tell people to pursue what they love but it’s people like these who are just ruthless with their words and intonation that piss me off. I hardly express it and bubble inside. I wish I could erupt on them like a volcano .
Probably I should shut up now.
Ok bye!

-Appiqué <3  


Sagar Mulani said...

So So Nice. Astrologist. <3__<3
Lol.bechara dog. :D

Unknown said...

So So nice for the post? Gee, thanks :D