Hello tweedledees!!!
How are you today? Good. Should the answer be anything but good, have faith. It'll all get better.
That is something that has happened with my lil' blog. New readers, new reviews!!! A few months ago it was nothing but a pile of random posts. But random is what is awesome. I can just start with any topic and expect everything and everyone to go with the flow!
So I see so many challenges out there.. On vine, on YouTube, on Facebook, on tumblr. Smoothie challenge, accent challenge, ...
It seems people of the world are into challenges these days.
So I have a little challenge up my sleeve for you guys.
Are you ready?
Now some of you might label it easy, some lame. But a challenge is a challenge nonetheless. And once you accept the t&cs you're in it till you win it.
So the challenge is to make someone smile. Easy enough? For you... Pff definitely! Could do it with my eyes, nose, ears closed!!!
The glitch is... You have to make someone smile everyday and each day it should be a a new person whose day you brighten up.
So did you spot the glitch yet? Yes! It's an ongoing process. It ends the day you fail to make someone smile. That is you forget about it. Because it is very difficult for anybody to not smile in your presence... Right?
So if you're up for it, do a " CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" meme face in the mirror and start.
Your time begins in 3,2,1... Scoot!
Challenge accepted.
Although you seemed to have mastered this challenge a long time ago, let me know how it goes! Good luck, big boss
Challenge accepted (y)
Love the spirit! Keep me updated . Good luck my buoy
Hattkane Sweekar . :D
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