
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Update on the blog activity!

Small post!
Okay quick update! So this happened... and I swear I’ve turned off my views or my contribution to views so… thank you!

I love Google and with all due respect, g-plus sucks! When people 1’d it I can never see who did it! It’s too sad! Thank you for the views and comments :D
-Appiqué <3


(Warning: you may not like this post. It's weird. Then why am I posting it? Because it's my blog :-P)
Firstly, I always have a strong urge to slap people who say "sub"s"traction" and aKsing!!! How do you read an invisible s or dyslexicize a word! Infinite it is, human stupidity!
On with the topic...
So I was talking to a friend and I've just come to realize that I have this crazy strange desire to get out of the house after midnight.
My city not being highly safe, many girls atleast all my female friends are just like me, not allowed to wander about at night. So now after all the protests (don't worry a post bashing society coming soon as a saga to feminism :-P) we girls have come to terms with the fact that psychos exist and the society fails to correct them or even do anything in that direction so again it's upto us to try to protect ourselves because in the end we'll be at the answering end " tum ne kyu nahi.... Blah blah... Add Unnecessary bullcrap trying to justify that you are a woman... So deal with it."
Back to the topic at hand, sorry for being blatantly honest in my choice of words. Had it worked like teenagers do nowadays I would have embellished it with a few swear words.  But let us maintain our civility.
So I have this crazy desire to go on a drive at night. Drive because it's safer, otherwise bikes over cars!  Nothing beats the wind hitting your face when you vroom about on trafficless highways. I have this desire to go around and explore the nightlife,  not the discs, no loud music and alcohol do not appeal to me(boring?). I mean, the beaches, the roads.. Just the drowsy city and people who enliven it- raat ka chaiwala, the snack/fast food thellas, midnight eateries, etc . It's a wonder how this "midnight" field isn't a booming industry yet given how the number of insomniacs has shot up in the past decade. I want to pack all these yummy items and drive upto a beach. Roll down the windows and eat listening to the shore. Mumbaiya chat or a Frankie, tandoori... Anything zingy! (*whispers* but I can't drive)
And to top it off, the sound of nature's music... Seawaves crashing against the sand is the most divine sound!  Definitely. So soothing. Something about the horizon, it's just enchanting, breathtakingly beautiful! I don't know what or why, I just prefer Sun and sand to snowy hilltops! Collecting conches, waking without shoes and curling the toes to lap them up with moist sand, the salty aroma, the bhutta walas, making sand structures. It's sad to see how people destroy this beauty by littering or urinating in it! Gross!
I was,  am and always will hope to be a beach baby. This country has beautiful beaches like the ones at Goa or Karwar! And being a native of those places makes me even closer to the coast. I personally like the ones at Karwar because it's still a very outlandish location, not famous, not populated, very quiet and peaceful!
And at night,  the beaches are prettier because of the moonlight that bounces off the waves making the water glisten like it is full of diamonds. It's the perfect location for people to go and retrospect,  reflect and just talk to oneself. How often do we really take time off to hear what we are trying to say to ourselves? The night time coupled with the backdrop of a beach is the perfect place to find solace.
My school best friend made me an insomniac. I was never a morning person but I wasn't sure about night study. He'd say " Study at night. It's the best kind of silence. The house is yours. You can hear the clock tick. It's beautiful, the transition of a city from deafening loudness to pin-drop silence. You'll love it."
I sure do. Thanks buddy.
  - Appiqué <3

Friday, July 4, 2014

What does feminism mean to you?

Trying to make a quick post. Lesser proof reading than ever (not like there is any, right? :P)

The dictionary/ Wikipedia define feminism as follows:
“Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending a state of equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.

I see a whole lot of girls and women ranting about feminism and rights and stuff. Hang on there, woman!
Most of these people say they hate men, question the 21% or 30% reservations, seek for a 50% reservation quota, complain about bras and hold all these protests about the unfair world as they ask women to wax and make sandwiches and shit!

 Let me put one thing straight into your head. Feminism is equality for women. Getting a place in the society where men, women and transgender people can stand shoulder to shoulder, where they are all considered capable and given equal opportunities to try each and every profession without any judgment. That’s feminism; it advocates equality not the “we are better!” attitude.

Women who ask for a quota just slip down on the class scale. Why do you need a quota? If we’re talking about equality, then there’s no quota needed. People should get into fields based on merit, based on who’s more capable and sound-sounding rather than what chromosome one received when one was conceived. And while we’re at it, the quota, then there should be a 33.33% quota for each gender- men, women, trans. Period. No bias. 

Then there’s the no bra thing. Although it was basically done just to give women relief, some women translated it into a movement. Woman, if you don’t want to wear one, just don’t. How difficult is that! It’s not hygienic or healthy for your breasts, but hey if you care so much about comfort, hang loose. Nobody cares! I swear. Guys will probably ogle, even women will initially. Then people will get used to it. What? Now people can’t look? Honestly, I’ve seen girls ogling at men’s butts and tell me frankly, won’t you look at a man randomly roaming about with his shirt/pant off? Tell me??? Everyone is used to monotony, something different does grab attention. People will look, but if someone is being judgmental you don’t need such a loser in your life.

There is this “Go make me a sandwich joke!” Why do you have to take it so personally? Reply with, “Go unclog a commode! Go take the trash out! Oh let’s see how that gets you laid!”
Something equally sexist. IDK, make up shit. And don’t make sandwiches if you don’t want to! For years and years women have stuck to the kitchen. If you hate the generalization, just say no! Look for a guy/partner who believes in halving the house chores. And if you aren’t able to find one: 1. you aren’t looking hard enough. 2. You can live a respectable life, head held high, like an independent woman (FEMINISM).
And as far as waxing is concerned, I’ve gotten myself into several arguments with guys who think it’s a crime for women to not wax but okay for a guy to look like a gorilla- unkempt.

One, kick the butts of such men. Two, don’t wax if you don’t want to. I got through junior college without waxing my arms and a friend would always tell me to. But since he never shaved after me having asked him to, I never took up the wax advice. When the hair became a bother, I did. We Indian girls, we don’t wax till around 9th grade. So does hair magically appear when we reach age 14? No, it’s there when we hit puberty, but suddenly we become a little conscious of ourselves, of our appearance and we start with it. But if it’s painful, if you believe you are waiting for someone who goes past physical appearance, then don’t! But don’t pay heed to the society as they are going to talk (people don’t have much work, you see!) and don’t find it necessary to ever justify why you didn’t! You don’t owe an explanation to anybody but yourself! Do you see guys explaining the puke inducing forest peeping out of the shirt or the beard! No! So don’t!

Feminism is when you accept the fact that there are differences between the men and women . One is a physically stronger gender according to the textbooks and biologically but the other gives a living proof of being capable of surviving some inhuman levels of pain during parturation a.k.a baby delivery. One has been on the top since the time we knew but the other doesn’t need that. All it needs is to climb up to where that acme is and hold hands with the leader and say, let’s rule together. There wouldn’t be men without women and women without men.

It’s a never ending war with absolutely no solution but complete and utter time waste, this XX v/s XY fight! You’ve truly matured when you see the society is big enough to accommodate XX,XY,XXY! You’ve just got to give it one shot. So are you really a feminist or are you a real feminist?
 - Appiqué <3